If you are History Lover, Culture Lover or Art Lover and want to dive into it deeply. Vadodara is the best destination/city you won't want to miss out on. Explore & Feel connected with the rich history, incredible culture and art. Here is the recommendation of the most Top 10 Visited Places in and around Vadodara City
Vadodara is popularly known as "Sanskari Nagari" ( The City of Culture) and "Kala Nagari" (The City of Art). It is 141 KM from the Capital City of Gandhinagar, Gujrat. We all used to know Vadodara as Baroda previously in the past. Vadodara has a vibrant history and importance. Laxmi Vilas Palace, the Residence of the Maratha Royal Gaekwad dynasty. The Ruler of Baroda State (Present in Vadodara).