Amritsar is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. If heaven exists, it can be found at Amritsar, where the word Amrit means holy water, making it the holiest place on earth. Golden Temple is one of India's oldest and most interesting cities. It is a significant historical and cultural centre for Sikhs. Apart from being a holy site, the lovely city serves as a gateway for tourists arriving in India via the overland route from Central Asia, and it has since become a hub for a variety of commercial activity. There are a number of historical and religious attractions to visit. Golden Temple, the most famous of all the heritage places, was founded by Guru Ramdas Ji, the fourth Guru of the Sikh community, and entirely rebuilt by his successor Guru Arjan Dev Ji, making it a must-see for all tourists and, most importantly, the Sikh community. The city is noted for its diverse cuisine and culture, as well as the British-era Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919. Amritsar, a lovely city, has been designated as a heritage city. Temple made with gold, Amritsar is known for its Langar and holy almighty god's blessings.